One little word for 2013

One little word for 2013

I found a very interesting project or more like a public tradition called “One little word” that seems really interesting. I start reading about it and I really like the idea of choosing one word that can sum up what I want for this year. The word I actually choose for this year is EVOLVE. Evolve in every aspect I can. It´s a beautiful word that summarize what I want to achive in this 2013. What would be your one little word? Try it!

evolve. theninaproject1evolve. theninaproject3The main creator of this project is Allie Edwards a lovely blogger I found online and If you want to read more of the concept of one little word click here.evolve6evolve. theninaproject

Hope you like this little experiment and I think it can help me to go trough the year remembering my principal goal.

Love, Nina 🙂

Photos by me.